CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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all copies.
/* inamedef.h */
/* Name table definition */
#include "iname.h"
#include "gconfigv.h" /* defines EXTEND_NAMES */
* The name table machinery has two slightly different configurations:
* a faster one that limits the total number of names to 64K and allows
* names up to 16K in size, and a slightly slower one that limits
* the total to 4M and restricts names to 256 characters.
#if arch_sizeof_int < 4
# undef EXTEND_NAMES /* no extended names if ints are short */
#ifndef EXTEND_NAMES /* # of bits beyond 16 */
# define EXTEND_NAMES 0
#define max_name_extension_bits 6
#if EXTEND_NAMES > max_name_extension_bits
# define EXTEND_NAMES max_name_extension_bits
* We capture the small algorithmic differences between these two
* configurations entirely in this header file;
* the implementation doesn't need any conditionals on EXTEND_NAMES.
#define max_name_index (uint)((0x10000 << EXTEND_NAMES) - 1)
/* As explained below, we distinguish name indices from name counts. */
#define max_name_count max_name_index
/* ---------------- Structure definitions ---------------- */
* Define the structure of a name. The next_index "pointer" is used for
* the chained hash table in the name_table, and also for the list of
* free names. The pvalue member implements an important optimization
* to avoid lookup for operator and other global names.
struct name_s {
ushort next_index; /* (low bits of) next name in chain or 0 */
unsigned foreign_string : 1; /* string is allocated statically */
unsigned mark : 1; /* GC mark bit */
# define name_extension_bits 6
unsigned my_extension : name_extension_bits; /* high-order bits */
# define set_name_extension(pname, xbits) ((pname)->my_extension = xbits)
# define name_extension_bits 0
# define set_name_extension(name, xbits) DO_NOTHING
/* of index for this name */
#define name_string_size_bits (14 - name_extension_bits)
#define max_name_string ((1 << name_string_size_bits) - 1)
unsigned string_size : name_string_size_bits;
const byte *string_bytes;
/* pvalue specifies the definition status of the name: */
/* pvalue == pv_no_defn: no definitions */
#define pv_no_defn ((ref *)0)
/* pvalue == pv_other: other status */
#define pv_other ((ref *)1)
/* pvalue != pv_no_defn, pvalue != pv_other: pvalue is valid */
#define pv_valid(pvalue) ((unsigned long)(pvalue) > 1)
ref *pvalue; /* if only defined in systemdict */
/* or userdict, this points to */
/* the value */
/*typedef struct name_s name;*/ /* in iref.h */
* Define the structure of a name table. Normally we would make this
* an opaque type, but we want to be able to in-line some of the
* access procedures.
* The name table is a two-level indexed table, consisting of
* sub-tables of size nt_sub_size each.
* First we define the name sub-table structure.
#define nt_log2_sub_size (7 + (EXTEND_NAMES / 2))
# define nt_sub_size (1 << nt_log2_sub_size)
# define nt_sub_index_mask (nt_sub_size - 1)
typedef struct name_sub_table_s {
name names[nt_sub_size]; /* must be first */
byte next_index_extension[nt_sub_size]; /* high-order bits */
/* of next_index */
# define name_next_index(nidx, pname)\
( (((name_sub_table *)((pname) - ((nidx) & nt_sub_index_mask)))->\
next_index_extension[(nidx) & nt_sub_index_mask] << 16) +\
# define set_name_next_index(nidx, pname, next)\
( ((name_sub_table *)((pname) - ((nidx) & nt_sub_index_mask)))->\
next_index_extension[(nidx) & nt_sub_index_mask] =\
(byte)((next) >> 16),\
(pname)->next_index = (ushort)(next)\
#else /* !EXTEND_NAMES */
# define name_next_index(nidx, pname)\
# define set_name_next_index(nidx, pname, next)\
((pname)->next_index = (next))
#endif /* (!)EXTEND_NAMES */
} name_sub_table;
* Now define the name table itself.
* This must be made visible so that the interpreter can use the
* inline macros defined below.
#define nt_hash_size (1024 << (EXTEND_NAMES / 2)) /* must be a power of 2 */
struct name_table_s {
uint free; /* head of free list, which is sorted in */
/* increasing count (not index) order */
uint sub_next; /* index of next sub-table to allocate */
/* if not already allocated */
uint sub_count; /* index of highest allocated sub-table +1 */
uint max_sub_count; /* max allowable value of sub_count */
gs_memory_t *memory;
uint hash[nt_hash_size];
name_sub_table *sub_tables[max_name_index / nt_sub_size + 1];
/*typedef struct name_table_s name_table;*/ /* in iname.h */
/* ---------------- Procedural interface ---------------- */
/* Convert between names and indices. Note that the inline versions, */
/* but not the procedure versions, take a name_table argument. */
/* ref => index */
# define name_index_inline(pnref)\
( ((uint)((pnref)->value.pname->my_extension) << 16) + r_size(pnref) )
# define name_index_inline(pnref) r_size(pnref)
#define name_index(pnref) name_index_inline(pnref)
/* index => name */
#define name_index_ptr_inline(nt, nidx)\
((nt)->sub_tables[(nidx) >> nt_log2_sub_size]->names + ((nidx) & nt_sub_index_mask))
/* index => ref */
#define name_index_ref_inline(nt, nidx, pnref)\
make_name(pnref, nidx, name_index_ptr_inline(nt, nidx));
/* name => ref */
/* We have to set the space to system so that the garbage collector */
/* won't think names are foreign and therefore untraceable. */
#define make_name(pnref, nidx, pnm)\
make_tasv(pnref, t_name, avm_system, (ushort)(nidx), pname, pnm)
/* ------ Garbage collection ------ */
/* Unmark all names, except for 1-character permanent names, */
/* before a garbage collection. */
void name_unmark_all(P0());
/* Finish tracing the name table by putting free names on the free list. */
void name_trace_finish(P1(gc_state_t *));
/* ------ Save/restore ------ */
/* Clean up the name table before a restore, */
/* by removing names whose count is less than old_count. */
#ifndef alloc_save_t_DEFINED /* also in isave.h */
typedef struct alloc_save_s alloc_save_t;
# define alloc_save_t_DEFINED
void name_restore(P1(alloc_save_t *));
/* ---------------- Name count/index maintenance ---------------- */
* We scramble the assignment order within a sub-table, so that
* dictionary lookup doesn't have to scramble the index.
* The scrambling algorithm must have three properties:
* - It must map 0 to 0;
* - It must only scramble the sub-table index;
* - It must be a permutation on the sub-table index.
* Something very simple works just fine.
#define name_count_to_index(cnt)\
(((cnt) & (-nt_sub_size)) +\
(((cnt) * 59) & nt_sub_index_mask))
* The reverse permutation requires finding a number R such that
* 59*R = 1 mod nt_sub_size. For nt_sub_size any power of 2 up to 2048,
* R = 243 will work. Currently, this is only needed for debugging printout.
#define name_index_to_count(nidx)\
(((nidx) & (-nt_sub_size)) +\
(((nidx) * 243) & nt_sub_index_mask))